Morocco 2023-2024 Day 23 (1/10/2024) - Meknes and on to Chefchaouen

 Our next stop is the Imperial city of Meknes.  This was the capital of Morocco during the second Alawi dynasty. Moulay Ismail Ibn Sharif who reportedly sired 888 children, ruled with an iron fist.  He created the world's largest underground prison. Currently closed to the public, it is reported to stretch for miles underground.  A French film crew wanted to document the size of the prison, but after entering, never returned.  A rescue team was sent in to find them with no success.  a section will be open to the public, but the largest part has been walled off to prevent anyone else getting lost.  

Pictures near the entrance showing a section of the underground prison.

Zak hired this guy to act as a tour guide

Another location where the storks have taken up residence.

THis is the only place in Morocco where there is a gold course inside the walls of the old city.  It is a 9 hole course.

Inside the tombs of the Imperial city

These are some of the columns taken from the Roman Ruins in Voulbilis

Sun Dial attached to the wall

Inside the royal tombs

The intricate decoration was amazing

Legend has it, that if you hold hands in front of this door at the level of the lock and look into each other's eyes your Love will be locked forever.

Link to Video of Silversmith in Meknes - Silversmith in Meknes

One of teh beautiful gates

Their most beautiful gaes is under restoration at the moment so they had it covered with a picture of the gate.

The girls with our guide

Another beautiful drive through the countryside on the way to one of our most anticapated stops.

It was dark by the time we arrived in the beautiful city of Chefchaouen 
(The Blue City)

Time to Relax


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