Day 4 Kualoa Ranch

 Over to the other side of the Island again this morning to visit Kualoa Ranch.  This has been the site where well over 100 Movies and TV shows have been filmed, probably most notable were the Jurassic Park Films.  Great Place to spend the day.  We took a 1/2 day tour which included a Ocean tour around Kaneohe Bay, a buffet lunch and a tour of the Movie set locations.

The signs showed many of the shows filmed here, but far from being inclusive.

We started with an "Ocean Tour". they took us on a small catamaran over to "Secret Island" to board a much larger Catamaran for a tour of Kaneohe Bay.

As we pulled out they started up the theme music from Jurassic Park and had us lined up with the location at the start of the original movie and our Guide said "Welcome to Jurassic Park"

Onto the Larger Catamaran

Mokoli"i Island, Commonly known as the Chinaman's Hat

There were many Turtles , but they only popped up for a few seconds so hard to get a good picture

Nice pet

Kong Skull Island

A friend waiting for your arrivel

They have turned one of the World War II bunkers into a Movie Museum

Disaster Preparedness  Lots of Spam and Toilet Paper

                                          Lizard Eggs from "Journey 2 - Mysterious Island"

"Jumanji Welcome to the Jungle"

Submarine from "Lost"

Welcome to Skull Island

Jurassic Valley

Our Tour Bus

Our Guide Lani

Lizard Eggs from "Journey 2 - Mysterious Island"  in location where it was filmed

Following our time at Kualoa Ranch and since we were on the other side of the Island, we stopped to see the Byodo-In Temple in the Valley of the Temples.  This a beautiful Buddhist Temple which is a replica of one in Japan that is over 100 years old.  Beautiful setting with Koi ponds, Peacocks and lots of Doves that love to be fed by the tourists.

Feeding the Doves


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