3-5-2022 Antigua , St. Johns (Antigua & Barbuda)

The island of Antigua (pronounced by the locals as Antika) is one of the islands in the nation of Antigua and Barbuda, the two main islands are accompanied by a number of small islands many uninhabited.  They are still trying to recover from Hurricane Marie that hit in 2017, and no sooner did they start to make some strides forward Covid hit.  It has severely affected this country.  We were the first to pull in, but were shortly followed by the Norwegian Gem.  By the time we got back from our tour the Emerald Princess had pulled into the between us.

The Catholic Church is Bright Pink

Many of the churches, like this one are built of Ballast Stones that were on the old sailing ships.  When the ship was empty they would fill the hold with ballast stones for stability, but when they had a load to take back to Europe, they would dump the stones and fill the hold.

View from one of the many forts on the island

The Guardhouse and Lookout

These cactuses grew along the wall

Looking down on English Harbor

English Harbor

Nelson's Dockyard named after Lord Admiral Nelson, is the oldest Georgian Style dockyard in the world that is still operational.

Decorating with Conch Shells

There were three of these huge wheels.  They were connected to huge ropes that would wrap around a ship and they could pull it up on its side to scrape the barnacles and seaweed off the bottom. This gave the British an advantage, because the ships did not have to return to Europe for repair and maintenance.

Viking Sea, Emerald Princess and the Norwegian Gem

Leaving Port at Sunset


  1. The views are GORGEOUS!!
    What's the sign all about -- Shirley Heights "mask on each (what???); double protection". Interesting.....each what??
    The view overlooking the English Harbor was absolutely STUNNING!!
    Interesting that they have you wearing masks outdoors in the sunlight....HUH??!!
    These photos are some of your best work, Colin! Thanks so much for taking them and sharing them with the rest of us back in the US.


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