7-17-2020 Off For a Scenic Ride

One of the scenic Bypass Routes near Rapid takes you along the Spearfish Canyon Scenic Byway.  Spearfish is just west of Sturgis, where the annual motorcycle rally is each year.  Signs show that this will be the 80th Anniversary Rally.  After going through the byway, we headed over to Deadwood, the Historic home of Wild Bill Hickok and Calamity Jane.

Bridal Veil Falls

Spearfish Creek

One of the many sites in this area where Dances with Wolves was filmed.

We ran into a local lady who had us follow her to the site of an old homestead. 
The home is gone presumably to forest fire, but there is a foundation where 
it was and the original root cellar in the side of the hill.  Other than the door
 being torn off it is still in great condition.

Entrance to Root Cellar


Thick walls kept things at a constant temperature.

Wild Bill Bar, where Wild Bill was shot.

They still have Stage Rides

Biggest Chair I have ever sat in.

Free Moonshine tasting.  Almost every Flavor imaginable, including Apple Pie, 
Coffee, Strawberry, Watermelon and Peanut Butter.


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