2-24-2022 First Full Day in San Juan

After Breakfast and another Covid test we took a walk to the old town of  San Juan.  It is a beautiful old town but with very narrow streets, so all the traffic is one way.  Stopped for a refreshing drink at the waterfront, then a Taxi back to the hotel (more walking than we normally do in 3-4 days).

Beautiful Coastline

Capital Building

Castillo San Cristobal

Old San Juan Reminds me of New Orleans, you can really see the French influence on the architecture

Statue of Cristobal Colon (Christopher Columbus)

For Brian's Benefit

Cocktails at La Casita


  1. It looks LOVELY!! The COLORS (houses, sky, buildings, etc.) are AMAZING!!
    And what was in that drink, Cecile??!!! It looks FABULOUS!!
    Have a WONDERFUL time and send more photos when you can!!!
    Deb & Brian

  2. wow looks stunning! You both look happy and healthy! The ship looked deserted or did I mean desserted? hahahahahhahah


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