7-15-2020 Enjoying the Black Hills

Great Day for exploring the Black Hills of South Dakota.Weather was great and not too hot.  First stop was Mount Rushmore, of course.  From there to the Crazy Horse Monument then through Custer State Park.  

On the Way to Crazy Horse there is a Profile View turnout.

Crazy Horse Monument, still a work in progress.

They had indian performens on the stage at the Crazy Horse Monument.  
This was a 4 year old who performed a traditional Souix Hoop Dance.

The sculpture in front is what the final monument on the mountain will look like.

In a Souix TeePee

 There is a smoke watchtower on top of Mt. Coolidge you can drive up to

ALong the Wildlife Loop in Custer State Park

The Needles in Custer State Park

Driving through a narrow tunnel called the Eye of the Needle. Driving through is referred to as threading the eye. There was only about six inches between my mirrors and the walls

Sylvan Lake from the movie "National Treasure 2 - Book of Secrets"
it was supposed to be behind Mount Rushmore.


  1. Fabulous photos Colin! These are places I don't think we will ever get to see so it is great being able to follow your blog and see them. Thank you :)


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