4/2/2023 Colonial Beach, Virginia

Today we realized that you cannot trust Google Maps when driving a motorhome pulling a car.  Google must believe that they are giving directions to a Smart Car (AKA Pregnant Roller Skate).  We have been down many roads barely the width of the motorhome.  We finally arrived at the Thousand Trails "Harbor View" resort in Colonial Beach, Virginia.  We decided it was time to have a nice meal and relax.  One of the girls in the Office recommended The Dockside so off we went.

Obviously the local's Hangout.  "We're All Here, Because We're Not All There!" 

Pucker Power, Cecile ordered a drink called an "Electric Lizard" so limey it made her pucker up.


Patio, from what we have been told, this place is hopping in the Summer The Boat is a Beer Bar.

Beautiful fully restored 1940 Ford Deluxe, We found a car older than Us



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